Overcoming strength plateaus

This is one of the common statements that we get to hear from many people undergoing strength training. Research says there is more chance to hit plateaus at a particular stage after a few months of training unless the whole program is updated according to the individual response. This mainly occurs after around six months of training. Many times we see that there is quick and sufficient change during the initial stages of training but slows down later. The initial changes are mainly due to adaptation and better recruitment of muscle fibers. Strength training plateaus are as a result of continuing the same training program for a longer duration. This can be overcome easily by making sufficient changes to the training program at specific intervals by assessments and re-assessments. Another main reason for hitting a plateau could be improper guidance or workout plans.

The most important point to be considered is to follow the principles of training – FITT and being smart on program setting. The whole program should be realistically designed keeping in mind the individual goals. Exercises are to be performed with specific number of repetitions, sets etc to obtain specific goals. For example, doing high repetitions with low resistance will not help in hypertrophy of the muscles. Strength gain plateau can be overcome by adding variety to the program. This could be done by increasing the intensity which could be done by increasing the resistance or decreasing the rest periods between the sets. Apart from this, variety can be brought by changing specific exercises, re-assessing the goals and making alternative.

Human body is shown to have adaptation ability to different kinds of resistance and conditions. Consistent gains can be seen only when the muscles are challenged to higher levels at regular intervals. Cross training is one of the ways to include variety to the workout. This will help to overcome boredom and recruit many other motor units. If the principles of training are properly followed with regular feedback using re-assessments of whole program can surely keep the plateaus under bay.


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